Hmmmm - just trying to think what we have done since last time I wrote....
The weather has continued to be shizen! The locals all say this is absolutely terrible for May - they have never had so much rain with such cold temperatures! We wear jeans and jackets every day, and it feels pretty much like mid-winter in Christchurch!
I have bought a new toy... not as good as the new bike we had planned to buy this year, but a new toy none the less! It is a pool buoy. I was having trouble with my legs when kicking in the pool so did some research on the internet and it seems a pool buoy is the way to go. I went to the bike shop (triathalon shop really) and bought one on Monday and the guy showed me how to use it to stop me using my legs entirely. Man it has made such a difference. I leave the pool feeling really good. It is pretty tiring on my upper body though, and the most I have managed with it so far is 3km.
Nic came to the pool with me on Wednesday and then we met Jase in town for lunch. We even sat outside in the sun which was great - I think that was the last time we saw it! That night we went and had dinner at the local Winestube restaurant with all the Aussie mountain bikers and Nic. It was a really good night, and good to be able to talk to a group of people who speak English. I of course had my usual steak and onions. No point changing from a good thing!! Been there 4 times and had the same meal each time! (just like the Mexican back home!).
Yesterday (Friday) Jase, Nic and I went to Strasbourg for the day. I managed to tell the waitor I was learning French and would like to try to speak to him - then ordered for us all. It was great because he gave me some tips on my pronunciation. They seem to like it when you have a crack at the lingo! It was all going well until we stopped at a cafe for afternoon tea. The waitress approached me too soon and I hadn't thought about what I was going to say... full stage fright (just like at your 21st CW!!) - I couldn't come up with anything at all! Not even parlez vous anglais?! The poor waitress just kept looking at me for a response but nothing came out!
Jase was going to ask where the toilet was when we were in the Decathalon store - he practised to me first luckily...."Est-ce que voo zet toilette?"... I cracked up! The translation for this is "Are you a toilet?" I should have said that's right, way you go!!!!
This morning Jase and I headed in to Offenburg to watch the finish of a Marathon MTB race, but turns out it is on tomorrow. There was a big market in town though, so it was cool to wander around and have a look at everything, and of course the usual coffee stop.
We are both currently in limbo. It is freezing, and my motivation to go the pool is poor to say the least... Jase wants to go for a ride, but our washing is not yet back so he has no clothes to ride in. The lady here does our washing for us as we have no washing facilities - it is great - although the washing turn-around is just not up to your level Raz! The Giro is on TV though so that is good to watch - seems it is raining in Italy too!
I will get the IT man to attach some photos again.
Hope weather is better back home!
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