Monday, May 10, 2010

A day in France!

Bonjour Nouvelle Zelanders (well something like that!)

Yesterday after Jase returned from his ride, we headed into Strasbourg. The weather had been dry in the morning so we were hopeful it would last. We had a brief walk around the town centre before adjourning to a cafe for coffee. I tried to order in French but ended up asking the waitor if he spoke English which he did. Then I got him to write down a few things for me in French so that I could do it myself in future!

From there we went to the Notre Dame Cathedral (the tallest building in Strasbourg) to meet Jase's workmate David. David acted as our tour guide and gave us a very detailed tour of the city - better than any tour guide I have had before. I practised my French to him the whole afternoon and it seems I have picked up a few things. I am up to lesson 6 on his CD, but have another 84 lessons to go! We had to have a few unscheduled stops as the rain returned - I will attach a photo of it - torrential rain! Yes I have become very sad - I even take photos of rain now! Jase and David walked up heaps of steps to get 2/3rds of the way up the Cathedral and Jase managed to get some photos of the city while the rain had briefly stopped.

After our tour, we went out to dinner. David's girlfriend Julia joined us - she is Russian but speaks perfect English, French, Russian and Astonian. David was able to ask the waitor if anything contained gluten and explain to him what gluten was in etc etc so I felt quite confident in what I was ordering. Jase ordered an entree of 1 dozen snails! (I would have thought he would try 1/2 dozen 1st but no!). I had one, and that was enough. I think they just use garlic to disguise the taste, but I still tasted it and it was pretty gross. Jase didn't mind them but I don't think he'd have them again. I then had sea perch and fries with icecream as dessert. Very French! Jase was more adventurous and had sauercrout (which basically was a whole pile of pork and sausages with cabbage underneath - gross!). I practised my French the entire night to the waitor which seemed to amuse him somewhat! I will get my IT man to attach some photos of the day.

Today Jase was working so I did the weekly grocery shop, then caught up with Nic (kiwi mtber here for World cup race) for coffee, before coming home to cook a chickpea and spinach curry for tea. Jase was very skeptical, and actually rightly so - it sucked! I got the recipe off the internet and I am not 100% sure that the spices I bought were exactly the right ones needed! I am still looking forward to Jase cooking tea however! He continues to tell me he enjoys cooking - there doesn't appear to be evidence for this....

Aurevior for now

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