Sunday, November 27, 2011

1st scan 1 year post op all clear - yay!!

Well I am back in NZ for the summer - it sure is hot today!  30 degrees.  Think I am melting!
Today was a big milestone for me - it was my first scan following my surgeries (1 year after the 2nd operation).  I was pretty apprehensive, as I guess this could have changed all of my plans for the next few years/life... But the scan showed that everything is good - the arteries look nice and smooth and no sign of aneurysm which was the main thing they were checking for.  Yay!!  Massive relief!

So I have just walked down to Fava cafe and celebrated with a cup of coffee.  I didn't really want one as it is just too hot, but I felt I needed to do something to celebrate! 

I have also done my first real race - the NZ mtb marathon champs in Taupo.  Well I did around 25-30km anyway!  The winds were so strong that large pine trees were crashing down everywhere.  So many people had near misses.  It was just too dangerous so the organisers stopped us all - can't say I was too disappointed as after not racing for 2 years, it came as a bit of a shock to the system!  Good to see where I am at though, and what sort of work I need to do.  I am just so happy to be able to race again, and can't wait to do the work and build up on where I am currently at.  I do give myself a hard time, but Christine reminded me that a year ago I couldn't even walk normal speed, or even walk up a flight of stairs - so that really put things into perspective for me.  The only way is up!

There were also some Czech people in the race!  I wanted to speak to them afterwards but since the race was canned mid-way there was no way of finding my new fellow countrymen! 

Michael - thanks for your message.  I have tried to respond but can't seem to figure out how to respond to you only (if you have read my blog you will have seen that I am technically challenged when it comes to these things!).  Maybe if you leave me your email address I can email you - I would love to come riding with your group in Divoka Sarka when I return to Prague in March (hopefully just as the weather is warming up!).

Bye for now

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