Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Photos at last!!

Karlstejn Castle
Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary from lookout point

Ok - so I managed to get the photos on there at least!  Still can't seem to figure out how you line them up properly!!

We went up north to a place called Karlovy Vary last weekend.  It was absolutely freezing and even snowed on Saturday night!!  It is a crazy sort of a place - very popular with Russians, and the entire place is based on "wellness".  It reminded me a little of Lourdes - people drinking the "healing water" (although this time the water is hot and straight from a hot spring).  I can't say I was even tempted to 'speed my shoulder along' as I don't really believe a mouthful of water will cure anything other than mild dehydration!! 

Jase and I thought we would give this pampering thing a go, so each had a full body massage!  It was great - other than when the woman took it upon herself to try to fix my shoulder!  I put a stop to that!  The next day we took a cable car ride up to a lookout point - there appeared to be good biking tracks up there, and there were great views - but sadly it was far too cold, so we ventured into the restaurant up there for hot coffee!

This weekend is easter.  The Czechs don't have Good Friday off, but have the Easter Monday, so Jase and I may head off somewhere for the weekend.  The weather isn't supposed to be great, so I am making the most of getting out on my bike this week.  In fact I have started mtbing again!  Stoked!  My shoulder is coping pretty well, and today I even managed some slightly technical tracks without too much pain.  I love being back in Divoka Sarka park.  It is awesome - so close to the city, but you don't even feel like you are in a city when riding in there. 

I am also pleased to report that I have found some GF pastries!!!  YUM!!!  Not sure if it is a good thing or not, but man I have missed pastry!  Also today, I decided I would try having coffee at the local (aka Fabiano's - or Fabian's as we refer to it, based on Jase's hero).  I asked the guy for a very large black coffee using several adjectives for the word 'big' large, grande, Americano, tall.  He definitely got the idea that I wanted a big coffee, because he came back with a decent sized cup and asked me if it was big enough!  I was very happy with my strong, piping hot, big coffee - so sat there very content in the sun, having spent several hours on my mtb, drinking my coffee whilst reading an article on the man himself - Fabian Cancellara!  If only my legs would work like his!  Jase is somewhat in mourning after the big man has broken his collar bone in 4 places though - nasty!

Have a good Easter everyone!
We are 10hrs behind you in NZ now.

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